Our Impact, and How We Measure It

Seven topics to convey and showcase what the Alliance does, how we measure our progress, and how we impact the world around us

Over the years, we have worked to develop and demonstrate projects to help end plastic waste in the environment and advance towards plastics circularity. However, measuring our collective impact has been challenging, as it requires nurturing individual projects while creating enabling conditions for future replication. It also takes a significant amount of time to generate positive impact in the environment and affected communities.

To inspire action from the public and private sectors, we recognise the need to create trust in the integrity of our generated and projected impacts. This requires transparent reporting and measurement, as well as impacts that can be independently assured against a formal standard.

For the first time, we have developed an Impact Metrics Framework to provide a consistent approach through which we can quantify, track, and report our progress. These metrics are developed to meet standards for independent assurance, such as the ISAE 3000 (Revised), and provide us with a way to continuously improve how we achieve our desired outcomes.

Seven Impact Topics

To capture our organisational goals and measure progress towards them, we identified five core and two associated topics.

The first core topic is Developing Solution Models, representing our mission to create solutions toward a circular economy for plastic and help end plastic waste entering the environment.

We do so by Enabling the Ecosystem, to bring about replication of effective solutions and tap on collective knowledge, as well as Mobilising Capital in both the private and public sector, in order to meet the scale of the problem.

Reducing Unmanaged Waste and Capturing Value from Waste measure the effectiveness of our solutions, and how viable they are in the long run.

Associated topics Creating Social Benefit and Mitigating Climate Impact are significant critical global issues and will therefore also be measured.


Read more about our impact in the Progress Report 2022, Catalysing Impact

Our Journey to an Impact Metrics Framework

An in-depth analysis conducted by EY demonstrated   that no existing reporting framework would capture the impacts we are generating. Existing frameworks were either too specific or too broad. Consequently, we worked with EY to develop a dedicated framework to meaningfully measure our impact.

Read more about our framework development process in our whitepaper.

Our Handbook

Our Impact Metrics will evolve as our organisation matures. Our reporting process, standards, and definitions will continue to improve as we look to create transparency, robustness, integrity, and verifiability of our impact.

To provide a common understanding of the Impact Metrics and ensure data integrity for reporting and assurance, we are sharing our Impact Metrics Handbook. We provide descriptions and definitions for the impact topics and corresponding metrics.

To learn more, download the Handbook below.