Press Release

Alliance Releases First Anniversary Report

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January 21, 2020

Today marks the release of the Alliance to Alliance to End Plastic Waste First Anniversary Report.

The Alliance launched one year ago with the clear and ambitious vision to help end plastic waste in the environment. To support this vision, we’ve committed to develop and invest in solutions that will help prevent the leakage of plastic waste into our rivers, seas and the ocean.

Created by dedicated CEOs from leading progressive companies across the plastic value chain, the Alliance is their direct response to addressing one of the biggest and most visible examples of a lack of solid waste management infrastructure and community behaviour at local level. With a target of US$1.5 billion over five years, more than 40 companies have already joined the Alliance and committed large-scale resources. Their efforts make a real difference by providing expertise and funding projects to protect the environment. The same companies are also developing products that are sustainable across their life cycle and creative solutions to deal with plastic waste that can’t currently be recycled or reused.

“Only by working with all stakeholders can we accelerate solutions, demonstrate meaningful results and unlock the much-needed capital investments to bring about lasting societal change where we will achieve an environment free of plastic waste,” said Jacob Duer, President & CEO, in the report’s introductory letter.

The anniversary report summarises the major projects and activities undertaken by the Alliance in its 12 months.

See the full First Anniversary Report

As part of the report, three Alliance officers, each elected to represent a sector within the Alliance membership, took the time to share their views on how the organization is helping to solve the problem of plastic waste. Below are excerpts from that conversation (the full conversation is included in the report). The officers are as follows:

~ Mr. David Taylor represents the Brand and Retail sector, and is the Chairman, President & CEO of Proctor & Gamble, and Board Chair of the Alliance

~ Mr. Bob Patel represents the Chemical and Resin sector, and is Chief Executive Officer of LyondellBassell, and Board Vice Chair of the Alliance

~ Mr. Jean-Marc Boursier represents the Converting, Recycling and Waste Recovery sector, and is the Chief Operating Officer of Suez, and is Board Treasurer of the Alliance


Q: Why does the issue of plastic waste matter to you and the Alliance?

David Taylor: As leaders of companies that represent different aspects of the plastics value chain, we see the huge need to address plastic waste in our environment. We all need to work together to identify and put into practice meaningful solutions that encourage buy-in and investment at the local and regional level.

Q: What makes the Alliance unique from other coalitions that have come together to help solve this issue?

Bob Patel: What resonates with me is that the Alliance isn’t just talking about the issue or simply throwing money at the problem. We’re using the energy, passion, technical expertise and creative ideas from companies across the value chain, along with communities, governments and NGOs to devise sustainable solutions to help end plastic waste in our environment.

Q: What are some of the challenges facing the companies addressing plastic waste?

Jean-Marc Boursier: Companies are part of a broader ecosystem that includes many different groups and interests, and success depends on the willingness of these multiple stakeholders to collaborate. Our challenge is to find the right partners in each geography and then scale up and replicate the best projects

See the full First Anniversary Report